Books, eBook, Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Novel, Paranormal, Queer, Trans, Urban Fantasy

Forgotten Ghosts by Cass Kay is an urban fantasy novel with horror elements and the second book in the Legacy Witches series (4.5/5 stars)

Forgotten Ghosts
Legacy Witches, #2
by Cass Kay
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Forgotten Ghosts by Cass Kay is an urban fantasy novel with horror elements and the second book in the Legacy Witches series.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, Legacy Witches, which was the author’s debut. One of my main criticisms of the first book was that the plot could have been tightened up a bit, which I can say they did with the second book.

This one was still a run read, partly because I really enjoy the worldbuilding. The magic system is pretty cool, and though it’s set in Salem it feels pretty different from other books about Salem witches.

Good queer rep continues with Dee, a transwoman and daughter of the coven librarian. In their society magic is matrilineal; I’ve been really excited to see Dee grow into her craft.

We also see Vianna grow into herself and what she wants to do and be. We also meet someone who might be a romance opportunity.

If you were a fan of Charmed or more especially Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you may want to try out this self-published series.

If you want to see more from me, check out my Bookstagram, TheStoryGraph, or Twitter.

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